Friday, January 22, 2010

Dyeing for a Change

I realized you can't see all of it but it's basic cardigan. I found this at the Goodwill on Shiloh/Beltline in Garland for only $3.99!!!!!! I know, you can stop clapping, I know I'm good! It's a Coldwater Creek Jacket at that!!!!!

I dyed my first garments last night. Here is what used to be a 'regular' white undershirt (wifebeater if you will) and a cardigan from Land's End. I loved the cardigan but wearing white just isn't a good idea for me. I used the Dark Green Rit dye. I am considering dyeing these one again just in to make it a bit darker. I wore these to work today and think they look pretty good.
Okay so I kinda cheated on this one. I spent $5 at Walmart for the shirt. It was a clearance item and is sooooo soft. I brought it home and dyed it first with the Dark Green. The very first thing you do with a new items is wash it to remove any sizing (stuff that makes clothes feels so good in the store, then you wash it....) in hot water. THEN you dye it in hot water. Weeeelllllll this shirt may be a bit snug now :-O but still soft. I'll be decorating it with some bead work at the bottom to distract the eyes from the top of the shirt (chi-chi's). I really like the color and sure it will fit me (again) in no time!!!!

1 comment:

Jennifer @ No Place Life Home said...

Did you die items in your washer or on the stove? I haven't been brave enough to try to die anything since we got our front loader. These look great!